Splendid week this week!!! Damon and Skylyn DID get baptized!!! It was sooooo sweet. The whole family was overwhelmed with the Spirit during the program. I also got to do a surprise vocal number, haha, because the grandpa that baptized the kiddos was from Alvin. His name is Scott and you know his wife Ceteka Perry. They came and they said, well basically made me sing when the kids were drying/changing after. It was cool! I sang 'Come Thou Fount...' and Ceteka played. Everyone liked it. The ward was way supportive of the whole deal too. Lots of families came to the baptism.
We made more progress with our investigator Roosevelt. Just read with him and we stressed coming to church. He should make it next week. Renee actually moved away. She moved outside of the mission to Katy,closer to her work. So thats kinda stinky, but we definitely got her thinking and she will be excited to see more missionaries in the future. There wasn't much progress with anyone else this week. It was slower besides the baptism. But, we're committed to be in the grind hard this week and find more investigators that wanna learn and change their lives. Working a lot with the ward to share the gospel and help us find solid people.
Got to go on another Chinese exchange this week as well!! It was awesome because we did a triple comp exchange with the two Chinese areas and they put 2 Chinese natives together. But they needed a driver because they can't and I went to that area. We had a good time. We ate at Tornado Burger, apparently the most famous burger joint in Houston. It was pretty good but over the top signs and advertising in my opinion. Nothing amazing. We also got to play a basketball night with some teenagers in the Chinese area, Just like in Memorial. We played at a park. They schooled us. Got to teach English class again. Thats always so good. I love it haha. They were good to me. Only made fun of me once because I like Autumn more than they do, haha. They think Autumn is depressing when the leaves fall, but they haven't seen Utah.
I got to do a 'role play' with the counselor in the Presidency of the 70!!! Elder Maynes came to a MLC with us. He called me up and we acted out how to plan to drop investigators and then we dropped Elder Evans, our lame investigator, haha. He was awesome. Taught a lot about mission culture and how to change it. Also showed us more realistically how long it takes in average to baptize in the America southwest area. Its around 65 days to baptize new investigators.
We had another way solid day at the Humane Society. No fights this time. All really sweet pooches. Thats a blast. Getting to know people there. We try to talk about who we are and the gospel every time we go and we have had moderate success.
Things are super. Haven't touched the bike once while I've been here. Its just chillin on the patio, doing well. I would like to keep the bike, yeah. If its in decent shape, I'll ship it home. To answer your question, we don't have any tablets and I dont think we will in the future either. The brethren reviewed it like 6 months ago and said we are not ready, haha. No news since and President doesn't think we will get them. OH, and big news... I'll be here for another 7 weeks! One week longer transfer than usual. But none of us are leaving! Didn't see that one.
Love ya,
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Skylyn & Damon Baptized!! |
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