Monday, August 17, 2015
The work is going extraordinary. I'm finally seeing what its like to be a full purpose missionary. The Lord has blessed us so much. Just had a baptism, hit me way hard because haven't had one in a while, and I got way close to that family, and on top of that we're finding even more people that want to be baptized. Its just so humbling knowing that the Lord trusts me to do all this and he knows we can help all these people. Feels amazing. The Spirt is just comforting me so much. All the times I get stressed or down get completely erased once we see things like we saw this week. Then it changes me and increases my faith. I learned this week that there really isn't anything to worry about too much. Its the Lords work and he will push me along through it and make things happen if I just trust him and do it his way.
This. Was. The. Best. Week. Of. My. Mission. I dont even know where to begin! haha I literally just can't explain how awesome things have been. I'll show you my journal when I get home and we can talk more about it in the future. But, I will try my best to fill you in right now. So for starters.. I got to confirm Brittany a member of the church and give her the holy ghost. That was amazing. I love how certain things come to mind for me to say and thats exactly what she needs. Made her cry. Twas perfect. I was so happy and proud of her. She also went to a dinner with us later that night. For our lesson there, we just asked if we could have a mini testimony meeting. We all shared testimonies and even Brittany bore her testimony for the first time! Too dang cool. The Spirit was so strong. It's amazing how testimonies can do that. Plus I'm just so proud of Brittany and her husband.
We also had ridiculous success given to us by the Lord as far as finding new investigators!!! We met a girl named Love, thats our age, early in the week. We met her by trying her roommate who used to talk to missionaries. The roommate wasn't too interested anymore, but Love was way open and we later find out that she is golden.She was ready to hear the gospel! We had the best lessons with her, saw her four days straight, in a row! haha That just never happens here. And she wants to be baptized and is loving everything we share with her. One day we came over and she didn't answer and we just walked around the apartments waiting for her to hopefully come home soon. Then we found her in the middle park area of the apartments reading the Book of Mormon. She is awesome. She's from Nigeria too. She's just been such a miracle. She was sick and wasn't able to make it to church, but she is still doing real good and will progress.
Another way sweet miracle that we saw.. this actually just barely happened two hours ago. So, you almost got live news haha. But, we got a referral on our phone from Salt Lake letting us know about a lady that wanted a Book of Mormon. We went to go try her and drop it off and talk about it right away. She answered and confirmed all the things we got on the phone, but she didn't have any time and told us to come back this morning. So, this morning we go over, come to find out she's been reading the Book of Mormon and has tons of questions. We got to go in and have a super duper first lesson. She even had her whole family come meet us and join. But, the lesson was amazing. Her name is Angela. She was loving it and she said that she even saw us as an answer to her prayers. She prayed a couple days ago that she wanted to become a better christian and then all of a sudden we came along. She told us about that and cried from the spirit that came. She knows this is something that will change her life. They even accepted baptism, they just said they want to learn more and more before. But, I felt so humbled as we left though. The Lord has blessed us so much lately. We literally have the coolest people to work with. These people and these things are just meant to be. makes me so happy.
Eric was able to come to church after a long absence! It was so good. He is on tract for baptism this weekend if he gets married in these next few days. Another amazing moment is when we went over yesterday to see him and he told us that he was picking up the marriage certificate in a couple days. They have everything all planned out! So crazy to think that this is actually happening. I flipped out when he told me. I got so excited because its what we have been hoping and dreaming for for a while and he's just straight doing it now. His daughters are 9 and 11.
Brendan also made it to church this week and he is doing really good. We got to teach him quite a bit. he is progressing way well just doesnt have a baptismal date currently. But im A-okay because I can tell he is working for it and he wants to feel more spiritual first.
As far as the gator exploring, We went to a state park. It was just like going up to Brighton and then seeing a bunch of wildlife but instead of mountains, a crazy swamp with alligators around them. I didn't get to feed any, I could've. I almost stepped on one I got so close haha. It was my companionship and the other elders in the ward that went. So, 5 of us took the mom van that they drive. I've got lots of pictures. Yes. I can send them.
As far as the weather, I've already melted tons of times! We get turned back into solids once we get inside though. It's been crazy hot. But we also have got some rain too.
But things are so good out here. Its the time of my life and I dont wanna leave the area at all. Everything about it is fun, the ward, we're busy, my comps. It actually is fun. Doesnt even seem like work sometimes. Just doing what we do and having a blast.But, Im just so thankful for how things are. Life is just a joy. I'm glad we're doing things that are way different, but yet so excited about it and having a blast. I just want you to be here so I can talk to you and show you all this.
Love ya,
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Alvin Texas, Week 46: August 3, 2015 - August 9, 2015
Monday, August 10, 2015
Howdy hey!! She got dunked!! Brittany was baptized yesterday right after church. I actually got the privilege of ordaining her husband to the office of priest so he could baptize her. It was straight amazing. Made me wanna cry all afternoon. We're gonna be great friends with them. We also have a FHE with them tonight at some other members house. Should be coolio julio.
Lois is doing interestingly. We had a good lesson with her yesterday though. Almost taught the whole lesson just by asking questions that allow her to think and convince her of a Restoration. Was fun. She is wonky. She gets off track so fast. We have a funny relationship too because she's like my grandma and were goofy around each other, haha.
huge huge miracles with Eric!!! HE finally talked to his wife to settle things down and she accepted to get married!! I fasted for that. It was such an amazing experience talking to him about it. He wants to be baptized ASAP. He totally will. Plus, he also wants his daughters to be baptized now! So we've been teaching them a little. So cool.
Brendan is pretty legit still. Couldn't make it to church this week due to emergency, but we had two awesome lessons. He wants to be baptized on the 29th. I'm excited. He can do it. Karen and Kristella are in timeout. They aren't in contact and making me mad, haha. We'll see.
But, had a miraculous week. I think it was the best of my mission really. We were blessed to the max. Power of the trio I guess. We love our companionship. We're all best buds and work our butts off. Elder Noles is doing awesome. Growin like a weed. Been great to meet more people. We found a bunch of new investigators this week.
The zone leader stuff is going alright. Got to visit a sister who just got her wisdom teeth out. Gave her some ice cream. That's my contribution to the zone for the week haha. It's been good though. I like to think I'm a good teacher, haha. I try my best. I feel like having lots of love for everyone we talk to helps. Plus I've had almost a years worth of practice. It's weird realizing how long I've been out and how much more time I have left. I'm almost halfway done. Scary. Feels like 6 months or so.
We got a way good zone conference coming up on Wednesday and President is changing a few things. We had a meeting with him as zone leaders this week and we prepared for zone conference. Had a great time. He's awesome. He's just so down to earth and normal, haha.
It's been hotter than satan out here. I'm sick of it. This week will be crazy. I got super sunburned last week. We have been biking like crazy. It all went away last night though, I'm good. About to go visit some alligators at a nearby state park and walk around. I'll send some pictures next week.
Love you tons,
Howdy hey!! She got dunked!! Brittany was baptized yesterday right after church. I actually got the privilege of ordaining her husband to the office of priest so he could baptize her. It was straight amazing. Made me wanna cry all afternoon. We're gonna be great friends with them. We also have a FHE with them tonight at some other members house. Should be coolio julio.
Lois is doing interestingly. We had a good lesson with her yesterday though. Almost taught the whole lesson just by asking questions that allow her to think and convince her of a Restoration. Was fun. She is wonky. She gets off track so fast. We have a funny relationship too because she's like my grandma and were goofy around each other, haha.
huge huge miracles with Eric!!! HE finally talked to his wife to settle things down and she accepted to get married!! I fasted for that. It was such an amazing experience talking to him about it. He wants to be baptized ASAP. He totally will. Plus, he also wants his daughters to be baptized now! So we've been teaching them a little. So cool.
Brendan is pretty legit still. Couldn't make it to church this week due to emergency, but we had two awesome lessons. He wants to be baptized on the 29th. I'm excited. He can do it. Karen and Kristella are in timeout. They aren't in contact and making me mad, haha. We'll see.
But, had a miraculous week. I think it was the best of my mission really. We were blessed to the max. Power of the trio I guess. We love our companionship. We're all best buds and work our butts off. Elder Noles is doing awesome. Growin like a weed. Been great to meet more people. We found a bunch of new investigators this week.
The zone leader stuff is going alright. Got to visit a sister who just got her wisdom teeth out. Gave her some ice cream. That's my contribution to the zone for the week haha. It's been good though. I like to think I'm a good teacher, haha. I try my best. I feel like having lots of love for everyone we talk to helps. Plus I've had almost a years worth of practice. It's weird realizing how long I've been out and how much more time I have left. I'm almost halfway done. Scary. Feels like 6 months or so.
We got a way good zone conference coming up on Wednesday and President is changing a few things. We had a meeting with him as zone leaders this week and we prepared for zone conference. Had a great time. He's awesome. He's just so down to earth and normal, haha.
It's been hotter than satan out here. I'm sick of it. This week will be crazy. I got super sunburned last week. We have been biking like crazy. It all went away last night though, I'm good. About to go visit some alligators at a nearby state park and walk around. I'll send some pictures next week.
Love you tons,
Monday, September 14, 2015
Alvin Texas, Week 45: July 27, 2015 - August 2, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
So, my new companion is Elder Noles from Spanish Fork! My second Utah son. He's a year younger than me. Let me tell you what else was crazy about transfers. So, they were calling the trainers up to the front of the chapel and then the trainee would go up and meet them. They called my name to go up and I started heading up and then they also said "Elder Theis" (Thice) and that meant he would train with me and we would be a trio!!!! We both started flipping out and laughing and hugging because we had no idea. We both just thought we would train someone. We're way good friends. We lived together for a few months in my first area. That whole first day we were in disbelief that they just told us last minute and that we were actually all together. We were so stoked. Elder Theis also is a zone leader. And now the Lord is putting zone leaders together in companionships. That's something they haven't done here in about 4 years. It makes it so easy to communicate about our missionaries in the zone, plan, decide if we can give permission to missionaries and what not. But my companions are awesome. No worries.
So we have 15 people in the zone. Our zone covers a large area. It's Pearland, Friendswood, Alvin, which are just the largest cities, plus all the smaller cities around them and in between. There are 11 zones in the mission. We also had another MLC this week and there are many new zone leaders. Some missionaries became zone leaders after only 6 weeks!! Its nuts. That never happens. I think the Lord and President Hall know we need new missonaries in MLC so new ideas won't get pushed aside due to the older missionaries being slow to agree since they are so used to President Ashton.
We had a great week though! We were able to see Brittany our first night together and the lesson was awesome. We actually didn't do too bad working in unity between the three of us even though we never had done it before. We taught about the Atonement of Christ. Brittany is so ready for baptism. She has so much faith and loves coming to church. The lesson went way well and she kept saying "that makes so much sense, that makes me feel more loved" We are going to have an FHE with them tonight as well. We're going to start planning her baptism for this weekend. Elder Noles is a rockstar. He is a very solid missionary straight from mtc. There's not much we need to teach him. He's just natural at it. The only thing holding him back is that he is homesick. We were able to mow a lawn together, him and I, while elder Theis went with other elders. We got to talk about it after. I tried my best to tell him that's normal and it takes a few weeks to call this place home. I told him the way to get rid of those feelings is to just settle in and act like you own and are committed to your area, to make it home and love it. We actually ended up pushing the lawn mower and carried a week wacker and gas can a mile back to the ward member who let us borrow it. We mowed the lawn for a lady whose son normally takes care of it, but he'd just got in a car accident. She was super grateful. Was great to be able to meet her and talk to her and then make the lawn look real good. It definitely needed some help.
So with investigators... Lois was not baptized yesterday. She still needs more lessons and to be able to come to church a second time. She didn't make it to church last week or this week. But we had contact with her and taught her a great lesson where we reviewed the Restoration and how Joseph Smith received all authority from those that held it previously. That was way helpful to her. She wanted to know more about that before baptism. We got to meet with Eric yesterday! He didn't make it to church but we had a good lesson on the Book of Mormon and turns out he's been reading it a ton even though we haven't been seeing him much. Now we're going to start seeing him more that he is acting and more committed.
Things are going way good. We had the Presidents family come and play games with us today at our stake center for p day. Such a great family. The kids are funny and athletic.
I love and miss you,
So, my new companion is Elder Noles from Spanish Fork! My second Utah son. He's a year younger than me. Let me tell you what else was crazy about transfers. So, they were calling the trainers up to the front of the chapel and then the trainee would go up and meet them. They called my name to go up and I started heading up and then they also said "Elder Theis" (Thice) and that meant he would train with me and we would be a trio!!!! We both started flipping out and laughing and hugging because we had no idea. We both just thought we would train someone. We're way good friends. We lived together for a few months in my first area. That whole first day we were in disbelief that they just told us last minute and that we were actually all together. We were so stoked. Elder Theis also is a zone leader. And now the Lord is putting zone leaders together in companionships. That's something they haven't done here in about 4 years. It makes it so easy to communicate about our missionaries in the zone, plan, decide if we can give permission to missionaries and what not. But my companions are awesome. No worries.
So we have 15 people in the zone. Our zone covers a large area. It's Pearland, Friendswood, Alvin, which are just the largest cities, plus all the smaller cities around them and in between. There are 11 zones in the mission. We also had another MLC this week and there are many new zone leaders. Some missionaries became zone leaders after only 6 weeks!! Its nuts. That never happens. I think the Lord and President Hall know we need new missonaries in MLC so new ideas won't get pushed aside due to the older missionaries being slow to agree since they are so used to President Ashton.
We had a great week though! We were able to see Brittany our first night together and the lesson was awesome. We actually didn't do too bad working in unity between the three of us even though we never had done it before. We taught about the Atonement of Christ. Brittany is so ready for baptism. She has so much faith and loves coming to church. The lesson went way well and she kept saying "that makes so much sense, that makes me feel more loved" We are going to have an FHE with them tonight as well. We're going to start planning her baptism for this weekend. Elder Noles is a rockstar. He is a very solid missionary straight from mtc. There's not much we need to teach him. He's just natural at it. The only thing holding him back is that he is homesick. We were able to mow a lawn together, him and I, while elder Theis went with other elders. We got to talk about it after. I tried my best to tell him that's normal and it takes a few weeks to call this place home. I told him the way to get rid of those feelings is to just settle in and act like you own and are committed to your area, to make it home and love it. We actually ended up pushing the lawn mower and carried a week wacker and gas can a mile back to the ward member who let us borrow it. We mowed the lawn for a lady whose son normally takes care of it, but he'd just got in a car accident. She was super grateful. Was great to be able to meet her and talk to her and then make the lawn look real good. It definitely needed some help.
So with investigators... Lois was not baptized yesterday. She still needs more lessons and to be able to come to church a second time. She didn't make it to church last week or this week. But we had contact with her and taught her a great lesson where we reviewed the Restoration and how Joseph Smith received all authority from those that held it previously. That was way helpful to her. She wanted to know more about that before baptism. We got to meet with Eric yesterday! He didn't make it to church but we had a good lesson on the Book of Mormon and turns out he's been reading it a ton even though we haven't been seeing him much. Now we're going to start seeing him more that he is acting and more committed.
Things are going way good. We had the Presidents family come and play games with us today at our stake center for p day. Such a great family. The kids are funny and athletic.
I love and miss you,
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Elder Havea and me, our last day together |
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Elders Deans, Noles & Theis in more casual attire |
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Elders Deans, Noles & Theis, new companions |
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Right behind our apartment is wilderness |
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Attempting to play the accordion at the ward mission leader's |
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Trying out a new instrument |
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Local church cleverness |
Alvin Texas, Week 44: July 20, 2015 - July 26, 2015
Monday, July 27, 2015
Had a silly but super week!!! Some of the weird things were that we saw one of our less active dudes answered the door nude and told us to basically not come back for a while. Also Lois wasn't able to make it church this Sunday. She calls me later and tells me that when her ride came she was "doing the duty" and coudln't make it and felt bad. She also made it to a baptism on Saturday and bore a 15 minute testimony when everyone was invited to come up and share a testimony. It was tough. She went way off topic. Our ward mission leader had to go up and tell her to focus on Christ and then she finished. But that was all kinda crazy...
Buuutttttt good good news. I found out last night via text that I will be training a new missionary in my area this Wednesday!! Got a new comp on the way! a newbie too, wee hoo! I'm stoked. I'll still be a zone leader too so tha'tll be nuts. Lots of the zone is getting transferred. Elder Ve'e is leaving and I'm getting a new zone leader companion, little nervous for that.The zone leader stuff is going really well. I think everyone is learning from me and respects and loves me. Seems that way anyways. Been on a few exchanges with the elders and talk to the sisters quite a bit. I'm way excited for this transfer becuase now I'm the main zone leader since Elder Ve'e is leaving. Gotta keep up the hard work and love for these guys. It's been fun though. President helps me a lot too with anything I need. Or, he just gives wise trainings and I echo them to the zone. Things are way fun out here. Way happy get to stay and work with a brand new missionary.
The week was really fun though. We ended up having Brendan and Brittany in church. It was one of the best Sundays I've had in a long time. Very spiritual meetings and talks and everyone had a good time. We even had a "linger longer" afterward and ate food and socialized. Brendan was even invited to go to a BBQ with some recent converts in the ward. We all went and fished, BBQ'd and had a cool lesson. Twas a great time. We're all good friends.
So, we do the ward movie night every month. It's every third week. Maybe next time we will watch 17 miracles. Kristella has not made it to church. Giving her a break for a while. She's out of contact. Brittany is still way on track. She's reading and she loves church. Lessons are going quite well too. Eric is doing better. I went and saw him, to check on him. He actually read a little and gettin along with girlfriend a little more. Gotta get him to church though. Karen is out of contact. Brendan is becoming a way good friend and awesome investigator. He had a good week and hopefully he gets more serious about baptism. Wants to do it but not soon. The tattoo guy is also out of contact. Maybe something this week, his name is Asa. NO new investigators.
I am doing goooooodd! Yeah I'm solid. My week was awesome this week because I decided to just be happy and relax and worry more about others. Yeah, the weather has been a little lame, getting hotter and hotter and biking and biking. Luckily I haven't been burned or dehydrated though! People give us tons of water. My shirts get wrecked every time, get so wet and dirty.
Love and miss ya too!
Had a silly but super week!!! Some of the weird things were that we saw one of our less active dudes answered the door nude and told us to basically not come back for a while. Also Lois wasn't able to make it church this Sunday. She calls me later and tells me that when her ride came she was "doing the duty" and coudln't make it and felt bad. She also made it to a baptism on Saturday and bore a 15 minute testimony when everyone was invited to come up and share a testimony. It was tough. She went way off topic. Our ward mission leader had to go up and tell her to focus on Christ and then she finished. But that was all kinda crazy...
Buuutttttt good good news. I found out last night via text that I will be training a new missionary in my area this Wednesday!! Got a new comp on the way! a newbie too, wee hoo! I'm stoked. I'll still be a zone leader too so tha'tll be nuts. Lots of the zone is getting transferred. Elder Ve'e is leaving and I'm getting a new zone leader companion, little nervous for that.The zone leader stuff is going really well. I think everyone is learning from me and respects and loves me. Seems that way anyways. Been on a few exchanges with the elders and talk to the sisters quite a bit. I'm way excited for this transfer becuase now I'm the main zone leader since Elder Ve'e is leaving. Gotta keep up the hard work and love for these guys. It's been fun though. President helps me a lot too with anything I need. Or, he just gives wise trainings and I echo them to the zone. Things are way fun out here. Way happy get to stay and work with a brand new missionary.
The week was really fun though. We ended up having Brendan and Brittany in church. It was one of the best Sundays I've had in a long time. Very spiritual meetings and talks and everyone had a good time. We even had a "linger longer" afterward and ate food and socialized. Brendan was even invited to go to a BBQ with some recent converts in the ward. We all went and fished, BBQ'd and had a cool lesson. Twas a great time. We're all good friends.
So, we do the ward movie night every month. It's every third week. Maybe next time we will watch 17 miracles. Kristella has not made it to church. Giving her a break for a while. She's out of contact. Brittany is still way on track. She's reading and she loves church. Lessons are going quite well too. Eric is doing better. I went and saw him, to check on him. He actually read a little and gettin along with girlfriend a little more. Gotta get him to church though. Karen is out of contact. Brendan is becoming a way good friend and awesome investigator. He had a good week and hopefully he gets more serious about baptism. Wants to do it but not soon. The tattoo guy is also out of contact. Maybe something this week, his name is Asa. NO new investigators.
I am doing goooooodd! Yeah I'm solid. My week was awesome this week because I decided to just be happy and relax and worry more about others. Yeah, the weather has been a little lame, getting hotter and hotter and biking and biking. Luckily I haven't been burned or dehydrated though! People give us tons of water. My shirts get wrecked every time, get so wet and dirty.
Love and miss ya too!
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