December 29, 2014
was way cool! I thought I would only get a call. That's funny we both
cried. I told people and we weren't the only ones. Oh ,I’m way glad you didn't
work on Christmas!! I’ve got some serious news though... I’m getting
transferred on Wednesday. And, today I’ll be at NASA with a stake president
counselor. He’s showing us everything, not just the tour, but like where they
actually work and such. I’m excited. But, I’ll let you know next week where
I’ll be transferred.
was good. I told you about some stuff that day but later we had dinner at the
Velasco’s and I got to play guitar for them and their extended family. It was
kinda scary, but it was good. We ate there for thanksgiving too and we love
that family. Garza’s came to church again, that was super cool. I didn't get to
see too many investigators this week because they've been busy and we have as
well. Hopefully my companion gets on it this weekend.
was funny last night cause I was in a bad mood, ha ha. It was because President
called Elder Ve'e and told him he was training again and that meant I got the
boot. I was watching bible videos and seeing Christ go through the atonement,
so I guess I was emotional. Plus it shows that I care and have a love for both
the atonement and for my area. I’ll get to say goodbye to a few people tonight
and the rest tomorrow. But, things are good. I’m happy today and now we'll see
what’s ahead of me.
Mini Fussball Table |
Christmas Sweater Vest |
Brother Knabel |
The Garza's |
Gifts under the tree |
Christmas Lights |
Christmas Luncheon |
Gas is cheap here! |
Posing with the Olsen's |