Monday, June 8, 2015
What a week! I wish i
could just email every day to ya’ll so that i woudln’t forget things and that
you could hear everything. But, this week was fun fun. On Tuesday, Elder Havea
stayed back in the area and ran things while I went with others to do service
in H town. I received the prompting that that was how we needed to do things.
There’s a lot to be done,not just in Houston with flood clean up, but that we
also need to be staying in our area taking care of the people every day as well.
So, we took turns going up and the other stayed. worked out really well
actually. This week was the last week that we will be helping up in Houston
Wednesday morning, I
had my first MLC! That’s the mission leadership council. Elder Ve'e and I went
together. It was funny because even though it was my first time, I could still
tell things were not as good as they should be there. President was only able
to stay for about 30 minutes then go to Houston and do interviews with the
press. Plus they decided to do the meeting last minute. It wasn’t horrible
We found some new
investigators this week. We got some referrals and talked to lots of people. On
Friday, we had our zone meeting. My first being a leader. Elder Ve'e and I put
it all together and planned what would happen. I gave a training on the
importance of church and the sacrament and prayer. It was crazy too because one
of the assistants to the president called me the night before and said he
wanted to come down to be in our zone meeting and that he wanted to spend the
day there and work the area with me after. So, he was there and he said it was
a great meeting! He loved the way we addressed zone goals and concerns. That
made me feel good. He said he wants me to lead out setting goals at the next
MLC because of what he saw! We had a good day together after the meeting. He
taught me more about what I can be doing as a zone leader at lunch. We went out
and taught people after that and worked way well together. Felt like I had to
be perfect around him, ha ha.
On Saturday we had an awesome opportunity to go have
dinner with Bishop. He invited his friend Bill, who is actually one of our
investigators, over as well. We had a great lesson and bishop taught him a lot
too. It was amazing because we hadn’t been able to see Bill in ages and all of
sudden we get this ideal situation to help him come unto Christ. Because of
that he also came to church the next day. This week we had 5 investigators at
church! We had Bill, Eric and his family, and an investigator that the elders
used to teach a while ago show up and show interest again. Her name is
Daverine, and we jumped right on that. I introduced myself and got to know her
more. We actually spent the whole third hour in church getting to know her and
then teaching about the same things I did the training on in zone meeting,
Sacrament and prayer. Must be a big deal to the Lord. She wants to be baptized.
We’re going to see her more this week and set a date and help her progress.
Met with Charles more
as well. We’re going to have him get interviewed this week by one of the
mission presidency to see if he is accountable enough to be baptized because
he’s got some autism we think and his comprehension and maturity aren’t too
high. But we'll see! I’m excited for this week. We should be done with Houston
service. and we got baptisms right around the corner. We got Charles, Bill, and
Eric. Eric is pretty awesome. He comes to church quite a bit and we can see him
consistently. He’s a 40 year old rocker dude. We get along because he loves
rock and fishing, so after lessons we talk about all that, haha. But this week was a blast.
Love you,
Elder JanzElder Deans with fellow missionaries who volunteered after the flood |