Monday , November 9, 2015
We had a really good week! Things are a little slow, but they picked up this week due to more faith and diligence on our part. We found some new people to teach. That always makes me feel so much better about any problem in my mind. We decided that the Tylers will need a little more time for baptism. The dad, Jason, is totally ready. The kids are the hold up as of right now. They need a little more time to change and get ready for such a big change in their life. It'll come through more lessons and making friends with the ward kids. Keep them in your prayers please. They are so awesome!! We ended up doing personal interviews with all the kids last night to see where they were at as far as confidence and living the gospel. Elder Glover and I talked to Kyrsten, Wyatt and Emily in the backyard, one by one haha. It went soooo well though. The Lord was right there with us and gave us the words to say because the kids needed a boost to get along with their parents and also to fully nderstand some gospel elements. We felt very blessed with those guys this week even though its sad they wont make baptism this eekend. We will get a new date soon. We are seeing them tonight for FHE at the Flakes house. He's guy who has sent you a picture of me teaching and also of the spider on my head. Should be rockin.
We actually did not pack the church. the other elders did though. We had church at the stake center because it was an area conference and we heard from general authorities and Elder Oaks via satellite. It WAS hard juggling all the different tasks and thoughts but now its a lot easier. Just one of those things that happen with time and grace. We actually found a sweet new investigator named Ashli. She is only 16. Found her by talking to her dad last week and he said she would love to hear us out. Then we went over this week and she came out and talked to us. We taught the restoration on the porch. It went way well, honestly. Then we visited her the next day at work, which is Sonic. We just said hi and asked if she read. and she did! So that was great stuff.
But we had a super week. Elder glover and I are getting along so well these days. It was kinda rough at first, but now we understand a lot of our differences and it helps us be mature and not wanna get away from one another. So we got the package today!! we really enjoyed it. It was so nice to get all that stuff, especially the bug collars. Glover and I cracked up when we saw that. Classic Alvin problems... We had something in the apartment biting me every night, haha. Its gone now though. I had it because we're around gross animals all day and bugs get on your clothes and bag I think. I dont know haha. . The rain??? It actually feels like crazy amounts because water just stands everywhere and the rain is an all day event. We have been somewhat dry, depends on how many people let us in I guess. I think I will be transferred. I said that last transfer, so its just a wait and see type thing. Transfers are every 6 weeks, so its not always the same time in the month since the 6 weeks gets ya into weird places in the month.
Love ya!
Elder Deans
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Aalvin Texas, Week 58: October 26, 2015 - November 1, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
We had a decent week. Lots of cool 'stuff' and memories that went on, but really not much missionary work. Two days this week we were unable to do missionary work because of day long session of meetings with Elder Corbridge and then driving far away to do a companion exchange. Plus, the other day was Halloween and we couldn't go outside because of a massive storm in the morning/afternoon. Kind of made me mad last night as we did key indicators(stats) and zone managing cause our stats weren't good.But, its all good. We should have planned better and been more diligent. The meetings went super well though. Elder Corbrdge is a wizard, haha. He gave some great counsel and taught some good stuff. The mission and especially our zone needed it. I got to talk to him a bit and he a few times called me by name!
But the miracles which we saw were nice. We had the Tylers come to the ward Halloween party/trick or treat/chili cook off. They are so Mormon. They know a lot of the ward. They brought food, passed out candy and dressed up. We just love them. They are still good for their date on Nov 14. We taught them about the law of chastity this week. We are gonna go over tomorrow and teach the Word of Wisdom. Now we just gotta teach the nitty-gritty stuff. Thats pretty much our investigator update. All the rest aren't doing too awesome.
On Halloween, we stayed in all day. Well, except to take a trip over to the police station to see if there were any neighborhoods that would need help cleaning up after the storm. It made a mess in Alvin. We had flooding in certain areas, trees down, power out and etc. Also had tornadoes pretty close by, so that was interesting. We woke up to tornado sirens and phone alerts going nuts. It was actually kinda freaky. Plus we had or still might have fleas in our room from all the animals we see. I slept on the floor so I would stop getting bit and I just kept waking up to all this chaos.
I dont think i will be here for Christmas. I think I'll dunk the Tylers and leave. Harsh truth, but we'll see. I would definitely love to stay, but there has just gotta be more growth and new opportunities.
Love you,
Elder Pantz
We had a decent week. Lots of cool 'stuff' and memories that went on, but really not much missionary work. Two days this week we were unable to do missionary work because of day long session of meetings with Elder Corbridge and then driving far away to do a companion exchange. Plus, the other day was Halloween and we couldn't go outside because of a massive storm in the morning/afternoon. Kind of made me mad last night as we did key indicators(stats) and zone managing cause our stats weren't good.But, its all good. We should have planned better and been more diligent. The meetings went super well though. Elder Corbrdge is a wizard, haha. He gave some great counsel and taught some good stuff. The mission and especially our zone needed it. I got to talk to him a bit and he a few times called me by name!
But the miracles which we saw were nice. We had the Tylers come to the ward Halloween party/trick or treat/chili cook off. They are so Mormon. They know a lot of the ward. They brought food, passed out candy and dressed up. We just love them. They are still good for their date on Nov 14. We taught them about the law of chastity this week. We are gonna go over tomorrow and teach the Word of Wisdom. Now we just gotta teach the nitty-gritty stuff. Thats pretty much our investigator update. All the rest aren't doing too awesome.
On Halloween, we stayed in all day. Well, except to take a trip over to the police station to see if there were any neighborhoods that would need help cleaning up after the storm. It made a mess in Alvin. We had flooding in certain areas, trees down, power out and etc. Also had tornadoes pretty close by, so that was interesting. We woke up to tornado sirens and phone alerts going nuts. It was actually kinda freaky. Plus we had or still might have fleas in our room from all the animals we see. I slept on the floor so I would stop getting bit and I just kept waking up to all this chaos.
I dont think i will be here for Christmas. I think I'll dunk the Tylers and leave. Harsh truth, but we'll see. I would definitely love to stay, but there has just gotta be more growth and new opportunities.
Love you,
Elder Pantz
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Janz with Isabella at the Ward Halloween Party |
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Allvin, Texas, Week 57: October 19, 2015 - October 25, 2015
Week 57
Monday, October 26, 2015
We had a really fun week. AS you could tell!!! haha We had lots of good memories and lots of good missionary work as well. I love Casey cso much. We're buds. I'll go visit him in Louisiana some day. He's about to move there. That spider thing on my neck was a spider indeed!!! That is called a field spider. It was way scary getting the guts to put it on me. But its not bad. Its harmless and walked all over me. They live all over Houston too.
The work is going super well. We are busy busy and for good reason. The Tylers all accepted baptism this week for NOV 14th. They also came to church again and loved it. We had a bbq with them and then had a solid lesson with everyone at their place. They are still liking church and coming every week. I cant wait for you to meet them. They are hilarious and the most non member Mormons I've ever seen. They're ready to get dunked. We had a good lesson with them after biking up there in the rain drenched soaking wet. we ended up getting towels from them and took off our shoes and socks. thats a first for me, teaching investigators barefoot haha. But hey!! turns out they like Seether and Shinedown a lot so we played that stuff on guitar during dinner. I really am meant to be here i guess! The other family, we didn't have so much luck with them, they didn't see us or come to church this week.
We also found a bomb less active family to teach. They are the Goodrum family and they have a serious situation so they're not technically less active. they have crazy health problems. We heard they needed help so we went over to say hi and offer. We took out the trash for them and then ended up getting to know them a lot and shared a powerful mormon message about dealing with trials. Then they invited us over again in a couple days from that lesson and we went over and shared a message about the Plan of Salvation since the wife had just lost her momma. They love us so much and they even said it to us. haha. We also feel the same way. The Spirit is very strong when we are with them. They help me be humble, charitable and knowledgeable.
We have another pretty good investigator named Bobbi (its a younger lady) that we taught. She wanted to come to church but didnt make it for some reason. She's really sweet and interested though. We also have Lucinda and Jason that we're teaching. Saw them last night and answered questions and talked about the Restoration.
This week was waayyyy stormy. We had constant rainfall for almost 2 days. Made water appear everywhere!! Alvin doesn't flood because its got a good bayou and ditches. But it flooded in certain fields and in between the roads on grass medians. The weather has been absolutely ridiculous. It was really dark for those days as well. We got soaked while biking. It was quite fun. People think we are nuts
This week will be crazy as well. We will be having Elder Corbridge, a general authority come and speak to us on Friday. We also will have MLC with him there too. We're gonna love it.
Love and miss ya,
Elder Deans
Monday, October 26, 2015
We had a really fun week. AS you could tell!!! haha We had lots of good memories and lots of good missionary work as well. I love Casey cso much. We're buds. I'll go visit him in Louisiana some day. He's about to move there. That spider thing on my neck was a spider indeed!!! That is called a field spider. It was way scary getting the guts to put it on me. But its not bad. Its harmless and walked all over me. They live all over Houston too.
The work is going super well. We are busy busy and for good reason. The Tylers all accepted baptism this week for NOV 14th. They also came to church again and loved it. We had a bbq with them and then had a solid lesson with everyone at their place. They are still liking church and coming every week. I cant wait for you to meet them. They are hilarious and the most non member Mormons I've ever seen. They're ready to get dunked. We had a good lesson with them after biking up there in the rain drenched soaking wet. we ended up getting towels from them and took off our shoes and socks. thats a first for me, teaching investigators barefoot haha. But hey!! turns out they like Seether and Shinedown a lot so we played that stuff on guitar during dinner. I really am meant to be here i guess! The other family, we didn't have so much luck with them, they didn't see us or come to church this week.
We also found a bomb less active family to teach. They are the Goodrum family and they have a serious situation so they're not technically less active. they have crazy health problems. We heard they needed help so we went over to say hi and offer. We took out the trash for them and then ended up getting to know them a lot and shared a powerful mormon message about dealing with trials. Then they invited us over again in a couple days from that lesson and we went over and shared a message about the Plan of Salvation since the wife had just lost her momma. They love us so much and they even said it to us. haha. We also feel the same way. The Spirit is very strong when we are with them. They help me be humble, charitable and knowledgeable.
We have another pretty good investigator named Bobbi (its a younger lady) that we taught. She wanted to come to church but didnt make it for some reason. She's really sweet and interested though. We also have Lucinda and Jason that we're teaching. Saw them last night and answered questions and talked about the Restoration.
This week was waayyyy stormy. We had constant rainfall for almost 2 days. Made water appear everywhere!! Alvin doesn't flood because its got a good bayou and ditches. But it flooded in certain fields and in between the roads on grass medians. The weather has been absolutely ridiculous. It was really dark for those days as well. We got soaked while biking. It was quite fun. People think we are nuts
This week will be crazy as well. We will be having Elder Corbridge, a general authority come and speak to us on Friday. We also will have MLC with him there too. We're gonna love it.
Love and miss ya,
Elder Deans

Alvin, Texas, Week 56: October 12, 2015 -October 18, 2015
Week 56
Monday, October 19, 2015
So big news is that both Elder Glover and I will be staying! I'll be in Alvin a total of 8 months at the end of this next one. Thats crazy. Feel like I'm from here now haha. I think we're staying because the Tylers are getting real close to baptism. They are such a miracle to us. So this week we had the Tyler family in church for our investigators. So thats a total of 5 plus their little girl, Bella, which doesn't count. She's adorable though and she actually put a sticker of her school picture in my planner so i got a memory. But yes!! the Dad is way on board with the church now. He came for the first time yesterday and loves when we come over. He wants to be baptized on the 14th of November. I think the rest of the family will also make that date. We're gonna talk to them about it. we got to do quite a bit of yard work with them this weekend and they came to our ward movie night after!!! So good. I love them to death. We don't have the 'regulars' anymore. They aren't in contact. We will keep trying and see what happens. I think Eric Brader has been in hospital or something crazy.
Oh... i guess it would be cool to tell you that i sang again in church because I thought I would be leaving. I sang Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing with Elder Grondel. And, my Alvin bestfriend/grandma, Sis Holbrook, played piano. She got sad about transfers but will be happy I'm staying. You will have to meet her.She is super cool. She really is amazing and so good to us. We sounded awesome I thought and apparently everyone liked it. I got emotional like halfway through and could hardly sing!! It was so sweet. Powerful powerful song. Look it up. Its all about consecrating our hearts to the Savior.
Turns out ill be having Halloween and Thanksgiving here. Probably be spending both with the Tylers and Bishop. So that'll be awesome. Looooovvveeee Alvin. Just like the Moab quote... " My heart cries out for Alvin" Such a unique town and I know so much about it now! You will love seeing it. We had a very good week. Great progress with certain people and even got to find some new investigators, I'll keep you posted. Oh, its super funny, both my companion and I have been feeling like all lovey dovey in a brother and sister way. So every time we talk to people, we just want to hug them haha. I was worried about it and then he brought up that he felt that way and I was like dang!! me too. So I guess it just means were comfortable here and people are awesome.
Love you,
Monday, October 19, 2015
So big news is that both Elder Glover and I will be staying! I'll be in Alvin a total of 8 months at the end of this next one. Thats crazy. Feel like I'm from here now haha. I think we're staying because the Tylers are getting real close to baptism. They are such a miracle to us. So this week we had the Tyler family in church for our investigators. So thats a total of 5 plus their little girl, Bella, which doesn't count. She's adorable though and she actually put a sticker of her school picture in my planner so i got a memory. But yes!! the Dad is way on board with the church now. He came for the first time yesterday and loves when we come over. He wants to be baptized on the 14th of November. I think the rest of the family will also make that date. We're gonna talk to them about it. we got to do quite a bit of yard work with them this weekend and they came to our ward movie night after!!! So good. I love them to death. We don't have the 'regulars' anymore. They aren't in contact. We will keep trying and see what happens. I think Eric Brader has been in hospital or something crazy.
Oh... i guess it would be cool to tell you that i sang again in church because I thought I would be leaving. I sang Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing with Elder Grondel. And, my Alvin bestfriend/grandma, Sis Holbrook, played piano. She got sad about transfers but will be happy I'm staying. You will have to meet her.She is super cool. She really is amazing and so good to us. We sounded awesome I thought and apparently everyone liked it. I got emotional like halfway through and could hardly sing!! It was so sweet. Powerful powerful song. Look it up. Its all about consecrating our hearts to the Savior.
Turns out ill be having Halloween and Thanksgiving here. Probably be spending both with the Tylers and Bishop. So that'll be awesome. Looooovvveeee Alvin. Just like the Moab quote... " My heart cries out for Alvin" Such a unique town and I know so much about it now! You will love seeing it. We had a very good week. Great progress with certain people and even got to find some new investigators, I'll keep you posted. Oh, its super funny, both my companion and I have been feeling like all lovey dovey in a brother and sister way. So every time we talk to people, we just want to hug them haha. I was worried about it and then he brought up that he felt that way and I was like dang!! me too. So I guess it just means were comfortable here and people are awesome.
Love you,
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