Monday, January 5, 2015
I live in Memorial City!! It’s by Sugar Land
and is a lot more city-like than old League City. This area is pretty close to
what I predicted a while ago. It’s so much more city-like. Plus there are so
many black people here. It’s at least 80% of the population. I’m lovin it. So,
things are different to say the least. I like my companion. His name is Elder
Davis. He is 20 years old and about to die in February (end of transfer). He is
from Centerville UT. Things are good. Him too. It’s a lot more relaxed and I
feel more comfortable around this companion. The apartment is decent. Dirty,
but that’s only due to poor missionary maintenance. I had to clean a ton. They
kept it a mess. I’ve done all the chores so far. I clean it every day, dishes,
vacuum, wipe down, pick up. We bike here. Have a car but we only use it for
traveling long distances. We bike every day. The area is big. It’s a big square
and its at the top ofthe mission.
It’s been nasty cold. Thanks again for the
gloves. I use them every day. It’ll feel weird to bike without them.
NASA was fun. We got
to see a space sunrise from a live camera feed looking out the space shuttle in
Mission Control, made my day. President Anderson works in the Landing Team and
showed us all about his projects and parachutes. We also saw and walked around
the old mission control where they ran all the early moon trips. We also went
to the rocket park, which just has a few major rockets, one huge one in a
hangar, Saturn V, and then smaller ones outside and around it. Great time.
New Years Eve was pretty cool. We froze though. We biked
around all night and met some new potential investigators. We also talked to a
couple less actives. We had to be in by 8:00pm and then I just unpacked. We
fell asleep after a long talk about life, at like 11:00pm.
I bore my testimony
in church yesterday. We've met and been fed by some great members. The ward is
just a little smaller than ours. And, it’s a lot larger than the last.
We've got two investigators out here. One
that’s been off and on for a month or so and the other we just picked up as a
media referral. The rest are still potential because we are waiting for a
return appointment. But, that’s how it is with lots of them because we OYM them
biking and things go well. One we even taught the restoration as we walked out
of our apartment complex. Two of these people are from Africa, Congo and the
Ivory Coast. They moved here this year. They’ve got good English though. I’m
loving life!
In an hour, I’ll be
at the Galleria. It’s a huge mall downtown, one of the largest in the US. We’re
going with a member named Chase. We’re good friends with him. He's in his
twenties. We hang with him quite a bit. He teaches with us. He was baptized
this summer. I’ll take some good pictures.
Tomorrow we
have district meeting. Should be interesting. I know one elder in my district
since he came out with me. After that we’re doing exchanges and I’ll be going
with a Vietnamese elder into his area!! He’s the DL (District Leader) and I’ll
be in China Town trying my best to help. He just wants to be with me on
exchange. Should be crazy. I’ll letyou know.
Love ya,
Elder Deans

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