Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pearland Texas, Week 93: June 27, 2016 - July 3, 2016

July 4, 2016

So the big news on transfers!! I will be staying in the area and my companion will be as well, no changes. I am pretty excited about that. I totally thought I was gonna get the boot.  Most of our district will stay the same. Only two people are leaving. Were also about to get a brand new missionary too so I plan to do exchanges with them soon.

We had a slower week this week. It was kind of tough. We weren't able to teach any investigators. But, on the bright side, we were able to get a few potential investigators and one came from a lady that needed help. Her car died and we jumped her car and we were talking about what we do as missionaries as we were doing this and she was interested and told us to come back and share a message with her sometime. So, that was cool to see that if we have an attitude of finding, we will be able to find new investigators because the Lord blesses us.

We were able to see lots of less actives and active members this week though. We had a cool experience being inspired to go see a less active family that I had never met before. It was going to be our last house before we went in for the night and we just tried them and they ended up letting us in. We had a great time getting to know them, they're the Staner family. We taught about baptism because the little daughter was getting close to baptism age. We also got to visit some new members that moved in recently to welcome them and get to know them. They were glad we came by.

We also just texted Austin because she's out of town with her family and we wanted to see how that was all going. She said everything is great! They had one busted tire on the drive but beside that things have been fun. She'll be back the end of this month.

Tonight should be pretty fun too. We're going to a ward 4th of July BBQ!! There's going to be food, games and fireworks! Itll be fun to bond with members and also tell them that were staying in the ward.. I might even die in this area, we'll see. The ward is treating us well. We've had lots of dinners lately.

So i am planning on keeping my bike. I saw one of my old companions pack his up at the mission office and send it home so I definitely want to do that because I currently have no bike and this one here will be it. I still remember the address home, yep!! Thats because I've sent a few letters to ya'll on the mish.

Love you,

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